Credit Acceptance is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its website for all who visit it, including persons with disabilities. Accordingly, all pages on Credit Acceptance's website will provide: (1) information and user interface components that are presentable to persons with disabilities in ways the user can perceive; (2) user interface components and navigation that are operable for persons with disabilities; (3) information that is understandable to persons with disabilities; and (4) content that can be interpreted by all users, including persons using assistive technologies. Credit Acceptance strives to ensure that persons with disabilities who visit its website can acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services within the same timeframe as those without disabilities.

Credit Acceptance will review and evaluate new material on its website for accessibility on a periodic basis. Non-conforming web pages will be corrected in a timely manner. We recognize that persons may have other disability-related needs. We have a process for investigating and responding to accessibility concerns and serve disability-related requests on a case-by-case basis. You may contact Credit Acceptance at 800-634-1506 with any questions or concerns.